Sunday, March 18, 2012

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Tips For Anti Aging

As you grow older, your skin changes and you will need to adapt your skincare routine and the products you use to take account of this. Our experts have recommended some excellent anti aging tips for skincare. It is highly advised that you should regularly use these anti aging tips and products suggested by our experts. We have divided human age into the following three categories so that you can get the best idea and use the right skincare routine.

Anti aging Tips - Teens to twenties
Unfortunately, these are often problem years for your skin, and many adolescents are plagued with oily skin and spots.
Use a gentle cleanser and toner, and a specially formulated moisturizer for oily skin.
Use an exfoliator once or twice a week to help keep skin clear and clean.

Anti aging Tips - Thirties plus
This is the time when our oil glands start producing less and patches of dryness can appear.
Make sure that you cleanse, tone and moisturize twice daily. Lines and wrinkles are accentuated by dry skin so invest now in a good moisturizer, night and eye creams.

Anti aging Tips - Forties plus
After forty, your skin starts to get dryer and thinner and is less supple. Fine lines are etched deeper and it is well worth using specially formulated anti-ageing products to combat the signs of ageing.
Continue to cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin twice daily.
Continue to cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin twice daily.
Once a week, gently exfoliate the skin to remove any dead skin cells and to clear and 'polish' your complexion, making it look fresher and less dull.
Use special anti-ageing moisturizers to help diminish the visibility of wrinkles and fine lines, leaving the skin softer, smoother and more healthy-looking.
Don't forget your hands, neck and chest; these show signs of ageing too. Special chest and neck creams and fluids and hand and body lotions will improve the skin's texture and firmness and reduce the appearance of age spots. They should be used every day.

Ageing and environmental damage

It is not only our age that affects our skin; it can also be damaged and prematurely aged by our environment and lifestyle. The sun, pollution, an unhealthy diet and lifestyle can all be potentially damaging to skin. However, it's never too soon nor too late to practice some good skincare.

Anti aging Skincare
Use a sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful ultraviolet rays which dehydrate the skin and accelerate the ageing process.
Use an anti-ageing cream to help make your face look younger.
Use special creams to improve the texture of creepy-looking skin on the chest and neck.

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